Across Vermont from Connecticut River to the shore of Lake Champlain

Go to Google Maps - to view GPS Survey of the Crown Point Road Markers

Historical Significance:

"More than Two Hundred Fifty years ago, in 1759, the British government surveyed, constructed, and paid for Vermont's first interstate highway. Named the Crown Point Road, it was built during the French and Indian War following England's defeat of French forces at Forts Carrilon and St. Frederic on Lake Champlain. Commanding General Jeffrey Amherst, wishing to continue the campaign into Canada, was in desperate need of fresh troops and supplies. Because the established supply route from the Atlantic ports by way of Albany and Lake George was long and difficult, Amherst needed a more direct route.

For centuries past, Native Americans had followed the waterways leading from Canada to the coast. One of the most-traveled routes connected Lake Champlain and the Connecticut River following Otter Creek and the Black River.  By a stroke of fortune this footpath led from Amherst’s strategic position at Crown Point, New York directly to an important military post, Fort No. 4 on the Connecticut River.

The General ordered his engineers to devise a plan to improve the route, and Captain John Stark, commanding Rogers Rangers, then cut and marked the road. The road construction was primitive but served its purpose for the remainder of the French and Indian War.

During the American Revolution, Colonial Militias, schooled by the British during the previous war, turned the tables on them and utilized the road to their own advantage, contributing to the ultimate British defeat.

With the arrival of peace, perhaps the greatest contribution of the Crown Point Road to Vermont history was as a conduit for the great influx of settlers coming to the (then) New Hampshire Grants to establish towns and homesteads.

Today, it is possible to walk or drive a car on many remaining sections of this ancient road, unique in American history." (Source:

Historic Markers:

In the latter part of the last century [1800's] several markers were placed by individuals to mark the route of the road. These supplemented the original milestones set by the builders of the road. Only two of these crude markers [No.s 18 and 22], both in Weathersfield, now remain.

The Daughters of the American Revolution performed a valuable service in the period 1909-1914 when they were instrumental in placing a number of granite markers in many towns along the route of the Crown Point Road. At about the same time, additional markers of the same size and material were erected by several of the towns along the road. These markers were placed on traveled highways at points where the highways intersected the Crown Point Road or at points as near as possible to the Crown Point Road. On many of these markers an arrow engraved on top indicates the general direction of the Crown Point Road. These arrows are not reliable in all cases as several of the markers have been moved from their original positions because of road construction. In later years the Crown Point Road Association has erected numerous markers along the old route. The markers are maintained by CPRA members with assistance from adjoining landowners and veterans organizations.

Acknowledgements: During 1909-1914 DAR placed a number of granite markers in many towns along the route of the Crown Point Road.
Form Submitted By: NSDAR Historic Preservation Committee 1/7/2016


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